Funny, easy, simple and cheap idea for a beautiful necklace.

I got inspired from one i saw at some blog so i was with my sewing things laying around and decided to do a necklace. It is really easy!
I used a metal string to put the buttons, some chain and two metal balls to hide the lops of the strings. Use the most different color and sized buttons and try to put them randomly, some of this i bought other i just took from old clothes i din't like anymore... It really looks nice :D


I wanted to show some new trend so were is some of the pieces of the fashion show from the japanese designer 

Tadashi Shoji

I found this picture online and remembered i had stored somewhere some diagrams of how to carry and  pack items with pieces of fabric, so this is what i will share today ...

I came across with this kind of necklace one of these days while surfing the net, and the next time i visited a shop that sold this  kind of bobby pins i bought some to try. So that was the result of my bobby pin necklace. I only cost 60 cent and i made it smaller because i dont usually use big necklaces.

here is the link with an article about this collection where the inspiration necklace is.

My vacations ... oh well today is my last day of vacation, so my projects and crafts have to slow down because my classes are starting tomorrow.
Two days ago i saw a tutorial on youtube to do a ring box, and today in about... 30 minutes i did my own ( happy, happy happy).
 The cost... was nothing. I already had the box, I try to go and get one, but there wasn't any boxes i liked. So i used one of those boxes that look like a book, the tag was still on so i know it was a 9.90€ box. Then, with an old winter coat a did the rest, use the fabric and the lining, so i dint had to buy any fabric.

To do this my main tip is to measure te fabric, because in the end, if you dont do so, you wont have equal folds for your rings. Enjoy it :D

Tutorial in Youtube

Im trying to do my own tote bag, with some recycled materials that I found laying around the house, i am using a brown skirt and a bed sheet...
Lets see the result soon we hope, because the bag above is just the picture form the site i found :D

Also today i will convert a box into a ring box, i will add the picture, once i finish.

have a nice day...
by the way if you want to try to do the reversible tote bag, acess the link below and try it, ist free at burda website.

Reversible tote bag

Today I decided to go to my local fair, today was the day of old things like used clothes, antiques and furniture. I went there with the purpose of find things i could use to my crafts and today, things to add to my jewellery collection.

I bought four old coins, one that was made in my year of birth ( the one with hole and hearts).
I bought two old keys to use has pendents.
And three new rings with the tags still on....

The costs were:
Keys:  25 cent a piece
Rings: 1.5€ a piece
Coins: 50 cent a piece.

So.... for only 7€ i got three rings and 6 beautiful pendents. The coins have yet to get a hole, when i do it, i will show how do they look, and tell you how hard was to do it.

So i think i will keep doing things like this, reusing materials that are really cheap, and really... how has something like this?

So, lesson learnt when i want new jewellery I will go to my local fair first.

Tip of the day: When I got the coins they were really dirty and black, so the man that sold them said i could clean them with mustard, and it works!!!! So if you buy something like coins or keys like this, if you want to polish tem a bit, just do that, rub a bit of mustard with an old tooth brush and than water.

Just grab some pieces and an old bracelet that i just dont use anymore and made something new.

Do you like it?

Welcome to this new online space, in here i will show you some of my works in the craft world and easy things that you can do it yourself at home, with stuff you have around. I will also show you fashion, decor and make up trends that i simple love.

Kisses Morgan