Im tired of the way i look. Im tired of being overweight, a lot of time home, plus a kind of addition for eating candies and emotional eating throw me off of my game. I used to be the kind of girl that walked in a place and guys look at, guys in the street came to me or shout compliments, I want that back, I want to put some heels and, I'm sory the language, but feel bangable and sexy, stupidly sexy.
Dont get me wrong im a girl with curves and always was, but my curves are to round these days so Im staring a diet, I will try to use the school time, yes University is starting again next week, to do some exercise. I feel ridiculous, Im out of breath when im visiting my friend in the 3º floor (yes theres no elevator).

So diet here i come, and how will i diet? here is a DIY ;)

- Pack your lunches, if you make your food, less change you will go eat a burger and fries and a lot of pizza or Dr. pepper or some other non diet liquid;

- Have a note book and instead of using your height use some pants and measure tape, see you progress with those two,

- Drink tones of water, if you dont like to drink it, add a little zip of alcohol, just to give it some flavor, or some fruit juice or just make tea or sparkly water, just dont buy stuff in the store, they have a lot o sugar and other kinds of bad stuff in it;

- Pack snacks, take some cereal bars, fruit, some almonds or nuts (not many because they have a lot of calories), pack sandwich with tomato, cucumber or just lettuce,

- Eat every 3 hours

- Last tip .... buy a bento!

I love bentos because is just super easy to carry they are for me the super man and woman of Tupperwares, Japanese style.

I just bought one, its pink, not my favorite but Im trying to save some money, so i decided not to but the one i wanted that costed a lot.

So here is it! Is really simple today, my first meal, made in 30 minutes i was really in a hurry to get out of the door today, i will try to add recipes and pictures of what im doing with it.

It has rice, carrots, cucumber that i sliced with a peeler, some chicken with soy sauce and seeds and bell peper, some grapes for dessert. Really, really a simple meal.

Dont forget just one treat, im my case the grapes, most of the space must be filled with the vegetables and then a portion of rice or pasta and just a bit of protein (chicken, beef or fish).

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